[ToC] [Intro] The HTML Sourcebook -- 2Ed
© Ian S. Graham 1995-1996

The HTML Sourcebook
Second Edition Now Available

ISBN 0-471-14242-5

By Ian Graham, Published by
John Wiley and Sons

Go to: The Book || Second Edition || Online Updates || Ordering over the Web

The Book, and the Reviews

The essence of this collection, plus much more, is available in book form. The title is The HTML Sourcebook , published by John Wiley and Sons. The book covers, in depth and with extensive examples, HTML, URLs and the HTTP protocol. It also covers the CGI specification and CGI programming, as well as imagemapping, document design, and site management issues. It is a thorough and complete reference for any web developer (or so goes my hype - you should really look for yourself, and see if the book meets your needs!)

The first edition was reviewed by Byte Magazine as "The Best of the HTML Cookbooks"; by PC Magazine as "... the most effective way to learn to write HTML pages..." and by Dr. Dobbs as "... the most complete HTML reference I've found... " An online review is found at the Virtual Mirror. There is also an online course, Hands-On HTML, based on the book.

February 1996 - The Second Edition

The second edition, ISBN 0-471-14242-5, is now in the bookstores. This significantly expanded edition covers the proposed HTML 3 elements as well as the latest Netscape and Microsoft extensions, including APPLET and FRAME elements. There is also an expanded description of CGI programming methods and techniques, complete with examples

Book Examples Plus Online Updates!

All the HTML documents and example programs from the first and second editions are available on the web. Please see
First Edition:
Second Edition:

Ordering Books Via the Web

In some cases, you might want to order the book, but your local bookstore does not have it. I am a strong supporter of local bookstores, so I suggest that you ask if they can order this (or any other) book for you. However, if this is not possible, you can order most books through an Internet bookstore. There are a lot of them -- the following two are ones that I know take orders by fax or email (although this is not an endorsement). The third item is a link to the more complete Yahoo list of Computer book stores.

[ToC] [Intro] The HTML Sourcebook -- 2Ed